
Commented Links

Information on Griechenland/Greece:

Facebook-Page of NoBorderCamp2016 in Thessalonikilots of information about the current situation in Thessaloniki and Greece

Clandestina – Antiracist Group from Thessaloniki

Insurrection NewsAnarchist News-Page out of Greece with many reports about antiracist topics

OpenBorder-Kollektiv: Information about support on the Balkanroute, about the situation in Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Ticker and texts about the trial and events in Thessaloniki according the evictions, useful Links

Information on the Balkanroute:

This website documents illegal push-backs and police violence inflicted by EU member state authorities, mainly on the borders of Serbia/Croatia and Serbia/Hungary. The quotes and pictures below are just a few examples from a growing database of testimonies and reports collected by independent volunteers starting in 2016. Through systematic documentation, it aims to render visible the equally systematic and planned character of this violence.
(Self Description) e.V. is a nonprofit organization whose core activity is in conflict with the policies, practices and events in European border regime and in the movements of migration. To this end, the association combines scientific research, civic engagement, critical publicity and concrete support for refugees and migrants. The association thus contributes to change the reality on the borders and its implications for the European societies.

The blog also provides a Liveticker about the Situation on the Balkanroute and a Liveticker about the Situation in Idomeni with sometimes very immediate and frequently updated information.

Are you Syrious (Facebook)
Infos and Coordination of Support on the Balkans. Based in Croatia/Slowenia.

w2eu – Welcome to Europe: provides contacts and counselling to refugees and migrants on their way. Also a list of contacts and support structures in every country in Europe and on the Balkanroute.

Moving Europe – Moving Europe is a support and documentation project, which emerged as a joint initiative of, welcome2europe and Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht&Migration in September 2015. While European states are forging increasingly restrictive agendas, the Moving Europe project aims to support movement across European borders through complementary forms of practical intervention and critical analysis. Our founding statement explaining the project background is available here: Europe at Crossroads.

ffm Forschungsgesellschaft Flucht & Migration, Germany

Refugee Help Map
Map with an overview about all spots with infos, contacts and what is needed. – Not updated since winter 2016!
Solidarity Kitchen in Idomeni Reports of solidarity kitchen in Idomeni (November, December 2015)

Information on Serbia:

No Border Serbia Collective (based in Belgrade)

Antiracist Groups along the Balkanroute: